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Are YOU NEW to the Industry?

Are you considering joining the cosmetic medical laser industry or the advanced aesthetic skin care field? Did you know the top five aesthetic procedures are laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and injectables? If you are interested in a career in the cosmetic medical laser treatment or advanced aesthetic skin care field and want to learn the previously mentioned procedures, as well as various other skin care treatments, All Body Laser Corp.’s New to the Industry Program (Program A) may be ideal for you! Our course consists of all seven training courses offered at our laser school. Each course is designed to include hands-on clinical practice where you can learn and practice utilizing various laser and light-based systems. Once you finish Program A, you will have the valuable skills needed to work in any cosmetic medical clinic.

This program has been approved by the registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training.

Receive Hands-On Training

You will also receive the Laser Safety Officer certification for Safety Procedures when you enroll in the New to the Industry Program (Program A). The duration of this course is 714 hours and all lessons consist of theory and clinical demonstrations by instructors. Unlike other medical laser schools in the area, we focus on hands-on training so you are prepared to utilize medical lasers upon graduation. After successfully completing this program, you can obtain an accredited certificate for this course.

Please call us today if you wish to enroll or learn more about the Program A. Requirements for admission: No background required, and a minimum of 18 years of age. Please remember no cosmetic medical laser or advanced aesthetic skin care experience is needed for admission! Dial 604-773-7515.


*Offered as a blended program or all in school.

Program A

Total Program Length: 36 weeks – 714 hours

Tuition may be paid through loan disbursements received from a student loan, E transfer, certified cheque, VISA, or MasterCard.

Tuition costs for prospective students are subject to change without notice upon approval from the provincial regulating body. All accepted registrations, however, are not subject to tuition increase unless there is a signed contract amendment to revise the program or length of study.

Tuition is due according to the terms of any payment plan negotiated with an All Body Laser Training Institute Financial Representative. All tuition and other fees must be paid in full prior to the academic end date specified on a student’s enrollment contract. Financial Representatives are made available to assist students with discussing their financing and payment options that ensure full payment by the contract start date. Students who do not pay fees as agreed upon or do not make satisfactory arrangements to pay tuition and other charges will be suspended or dismissed from the institute.

Program A Fees

Blended Tuition Fees $13,999 & In-School Tuition Fees to $14,999

Books & supplies $ 3920

Registration fees $ 280 

Tuition $ 18,500

Books and supplies $ 5376

Registration fees $ 392

Live online theory & In school clinical studies and procedures

All in-school theory and clinical studies and procedures


Additional Fees for the Program: *Additional Fees: textbooks, manuals, handouts, cosmeceuticals, disposables, laser use, advanced technology use, uniform, reusable masks, PPE, and All Body laser Bag.

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